
The National Implicit Bias Network is one of the country’s leading resources and voices on implicit bias and the phenomenon’s interaction with structural racism and the resulting inequality in areas such as the legal system, law enforcement, education, employment and housing.

We will be a platform for scholars, organizers, and advocates to translate academic research into practical information and tools that can be used to explain and address inequality.

The National Implicit Bias Network is made possible with funding from W.K. Kellogg Foundation and The California Endowment. We thank them for their support!

The Network’s objectives are:

Enhance and amplify the work by members on implicit bias.

– Aggregate Network members’ work on implicit bias into one online destination (ImplicitBias.net)

– Create a forum where implicit bias and mind science experts can share information and learn from each other.

– Identify opportunities for Network members to collaborate.

– Leverage members’ resources to uplift the work of other Network members (e.g. sharing news and developments with our email lists and social media channels).

Advance public understanding of implicit bias and its impact in the workplace, the courts, in society, etc.

– Gain acceptance of implicit bias in the law and by decision-makers in employment, education, housing, contracting, and other sectors.

– Advance and deepen public understanding and acceptance of implicit bias and other mind science phenomenon.

– Organize regular convenings of academics, activists, and attorneys to share information as well as to identify ongoing research needs.

More information about membership